
Sermons by the Late Rev. Charles Wesley is unavailable, but you can change that!

Travelling from place to place, and preaching in the open air, to diffuse knowledge and awake a sense of religion in the common people, was extraordinary and new, and it was certainly irregular, and excited the astonishment and the censure of the public. But that’s what the brothers John and Charles Wesley, along with their friend and fellow preacher George Whitefield, did. They felt it was of...

to point out in what instances all Christians are to exceed them. We see that their external regularity, their zeal, their exact manners, and decent deportment, are such as might be well proposed to a Christian; but they are patterns which we must not be content to equal, but infinitely surpass, or our righteousness will avail nothing in the great day of accounts. The Christian religion requires indeed an exemplary behaviour, an external reverence to God and holy things, and all demonstrative of
Pages 72–73